Month 1 Favorites


My sistacuz recently announced that her and her fiancé were expecting a bundle of joy in July, and I immediately started thinking of all the things that I could not have lived without so far and had to let her know! I figured that I would share my favorites and things I wouldn’t have made it through the days/nights without here on the blog as well! All us parents need to stick together right?!

So first off, blankets! Really any kind of blankets but for a baby it’s almost like there’s never enough blankets; either because they spit up on one, pee on one, poop on one… and unless you want to wash a couple blankets over and over again in the same day, you’re going to want a lot of blankets! I also have blankets that go with us in her car seat, one in her sleeper, one in her swing, one on the couch, one in her bassinet….so and so forth (you get the point now right?). You can never have too many blankets.

Same thing goes for Burp Cloths, you can never have too many so make sure to stock up on those! The smaller ones work just fine, but I liked using the receiving blankets as burp rags too. They cover more space than the smaller burp rags incase your baby really decides to spit up. What’s great is you can use these for swaddling too!

I absolutely would not have been able to live without my bottle warmer! I wasn’t able to breastfeed as easily and our baby girl was on a bottle from day 1. When I was producing a lot of milk and was able to freeze it, we would have to take it from the fridge/freezer and warm it up and having the bottle warmer to warm the milk up was a life saver! I had to do it the “old fashioned” way a few times at my parents house and warm it up over the stove in a pot of water, and when you have a screaming/starving baby, that is not the ideal situation. So trust me, register for that bottle warmer you will thank me later!

I’ll just make a list below of other items that were my favorite for miss Rylie G, I will try to include links for things other than the formula and diapers, so you can easily find what I am talking about!

Just a side note, for those who have never heard of Lemongrass Spa; they sell amazing products! All their items are all natural, and that is why I love using them for Rylie, because I know there are no harmful products going on her skin. The Healing Balm is seriously tried and true, I even used it for myself when I would chaf from my thighs rubbing together and get a rash (yay pregnancy), and it seriously disappeared the very next day. Rylie has only had a very little rash so far, and once I put the balm on it was gone on the next diaper change! The link that I put above is for the consultant I use, but you can definitely look for a consultant that lives in your area if you would like!

I will try to do monthly posts, or posts every few months on things that I find are my favorite, or favorite outfits for Rylie! Let me know what your favorite products are and why, both me and my sistacuz can use all the advice we can get on favorite items as we are both new at the whole parenting gig (soon to be new mommy in my cousins case 😉 ).

~XO, K

You can check out my cousin’s blog, as she will be posting about her journey through pregnancy, and also on her engagement! 

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